I AM...

Hi,  everybody I'm  Kelsey...
I started this blogg to just tell people about my life I guess. I'm in love with photography, food, and life. People who inspire me are adam young and christopher drew ingle. If you  have no idea how those two lovely/ amazing people well adam is from owl city and christopher is from nevershoutnever! I'm a freshman and loving every little bit of life....well atleast for today. Im from a small cow town on the west coast. I am a small part of high school and I feel even smaller as high school goes on. I'm just an akward freshman trying to figure everything out at once. My life all of a sudden took a turn for the worse. Some how some way I got through it. I over came all of the drama, heart breaks and the homework.  Drama used to control my life but not anymore. Once you say screw that, you suddenly foget about everything. Now my friends, family and loving dog tyco are the main things in my life. Focusing on what only makes me happy and making others happy is what I do the most. High school has changed me for the better rather than for the worst.