Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forgetting the Past

For once in this whole year I've been feeling good, I have forgoten everything about the typical high school dance. Its amazing how when your a teenager the small things in life can affect you the most. After a great night at golden skate I realized all I ever wanted just to have a good time, and LIVE IT UP! I've never been the drama qeen ever.. and thats something I don't want to known as that.  Last night it seemed like everything changed I guess I just needed a good time. Its like I've been dealing with everybodys problems but mine. Its hard being a friend for everone too, even the people I wanted to get hit by a bus. When high school came I kind of wanted to change. Change for the better, help more, and do more. I was tried of the past, the past seems to always be coming up in this life of mine. If they call it the past shouldn't everybody forget about it. For some reason the past was more talked about than the future. It seemed like for some reason my past was all I could ever think about.  But as of right now I just want to live for the moment I guess.  I probably sound like some high school loser when I say that... oh great. Its funny how just one person can change your mood, and just makes you realize things that you were too blind to see.  The past is the one thing that reminds us all of our downfalls.

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